Saturday, November 18 | 1:00pm – 2:-00pm | Speaker: Tom Arliskas
Grant’s rise to command in the Federal Armies was a self-taught belief that he knew how to win Battles. The life of General US Grant is the typical, Horatio Alger story where a young man, through self-reliance and hard work, rises to success, and won for Grant the admiration of a Nation. We will look at the early Grant as Brigadier General in 1861 through to Shiloh, April of 1862.
New research uncovered and re-purposed will convey to the audience Grant and Sherman, who turned out to be two of the best Generals in 1863 and 1864, for 1861 and 1862 were almost lost to the Union Army. Grant’s rise was a hard road and not what most Historians teach. Grant the man and the soldier will be reviewed with a perspective new to many people. It will be an interesting discussion on generalship, tenacity, and luck – a lot of luck.