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Planned Giving

Kenosha Public Museums Foundation

The Kenosha Public Museums Foundation exists to support the public museums of the City of Kenosha. Through ongoing support of the Museums, the Foundation ensures the educational and cultural vitality of the greater Kenosha community now and in the future. The Foundation receives and manages the investments of gifts and bequests made in support of the Museums.

Your gift helps the Museums and the Community

The Museums would not be able to sustain activities that the community relies on without donor support! Here are some ways, which your gift will be helping our mission of educational outreach and cultural stewardship:

  • Properly care for and present Museum collections
  • Plan and develop exciting permanent and temporary exhibit
  • Introduce the joys of learning to thousands of children through Museum programs
  • Provide special programming and educational offerings each year, including classes, lectures and symposia
  • Enrich, enlighten and inspire our community

Planned Giving

Planned giving can be as easy as a single sentence in your will, but it can make an impression on our foundation for years to come. We hope you consider including the Kenosha Public Museums Foundation in your will and plan your legacy with us.


Bequests are a form of planned giving where a donor promises a gift in their will or planned trust. This type of giving provides an opportunity to help support the foundation, even if donating or gift giving was not possible during one’s lifetime.

Types of Bequests:

Specific Bequest

A gift of property or amount of which has discernible source. For example, $50,000 will go to the Kenosha Public Museum Foundation from Mr. Mammoth’s primary savings account.

General Bequest

A gift that is taken from the general assets of the donor. For example, $50,000 will go to the Kenosha Public Museum Foundation from Mr. Mammoth’s general estate.

Residual Bequest

A gift where the remaining balance of the donor’s assets are given to the museum once all other beneficiaries have received their designated amounts.

Contingent Bequest

A gift that is depend on specific events or circumstances to happen to order to receive the designated amount. For example, Mr. Mammoth’s vacation home will go to his brother. If his brother is no longer alive at the time of Mr. Mammoth’s death, then the vacation home will go to the Kenosha Public Museum Foundation.

Why set up a bequest?

There are several benefits to making a bequest to the Kenosha Public Museum Foundation.

  • It is simple to set up a bequest.
  • The gift can be changed at any time in case life’s plans change.
  • This gift offers tax deductions and tax relief for your family.
  • This helps achieve future growth of the Kenosha Public Museums.
  • This planned gift can leave a legacy that your family and the community can enjoy for years to come!

Let’s get started!

In order to make a bequest, first you need to set up a current will or planned trust. Within your will, a simple statement such as the one provided is sufficient to begin the bequest planning:

“I, [name], give, devise and bequeath to the Kenosha Public Museums Foundation [written amount or percentage of the estate or description of property} for its unrestricted use and purpose.”

When setting up a planned gift, you may realize there are several types of bequests. You may decide between giving a specific amount or property to the Museums or a percentage of your estate to the foundation. Many different kinds of assets can be included in a bequest to the Museums:

  • cash
  • securities
  • tangible property
  • real estate
  • life insurance policies

A bequest to the Kenosha Public Museums Foundation is an easy way to set up a legacy that your family and the community can cherish in the future! If setting up       a legay through the Kenosha Public Museums Foundation is appealing to you, your professional adviser can help you decide what options work best for you.

Dickinson Legacy Circle

Join the Dickinson Legacy Circle.

William E. Dickinson was the first  director of the Kenosha Historical and Art Museum in 1936. He modeled the museum after the Milwaukee Public Museum in its dedication to education and public service.

In turn, the Dickinson Legacy Circle is a group of generous donors who are dedicated to the continued support of the Kenosha Public Museums. They do this by including the Kenosha Public Museums Foundation in their estate plan or will. By including Kenosha Public Museums Foundation in an estate plan or will, members of the Dickinson Legacy Circle are ensuring that future generations will continue to enjoy the  benefits of the Kenosha Public Museums.

If you would like further information about the Dickinson Legacy Circle, please email [email protected] or call 262-653-4407.

We are happy to help!

If you would like assistance or more information about setting up a bequest for the Kenosha Public Museums Foundation, please call us at 252-653-4140.

We want to know!

If you have set up a bequest to the Kenosha Public Museums Foundation or have specific questions, please let us know by calling 262-653-4407.


Your Support Helps Us Grow

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