Wednesday, January 17 | 6:30pm | Presenter: Scott Hartwig | $12 ($15 non-members) | Register Here
Scott Hartwig’s I Dread the Thought of the Place, on the Battle of Antietam and its aftermath, was published in August 2023. He said of his book, “I did not set out to write this book because Antietam was forgotten, or because I wanted to uncover the ‘untold’ Antietam, or wanted to make some claim that would be controversial to sell books. I wanted to tell the story, the whole story, not just the battle, and I wanted it to be an honest book whose focus was on the people who lived through Antietam.” In this Virtual class we will examine some of the major moments of the battle and the decisions that shaped them, and assess the leaders who had to make those decisions.
Participants will be sent a link the day-of to access this live virtual workshop at their home computers.