Mondays, March 17 through April 21 | 9am - 10am | Instructor: Sharry Flaherty | $52 ($65 for non-members) | Register Here Enjoy the sunshine over the lake as you practice the gentle movements of Tai Chi from the warmth of the museum’s mezzanine. Tai Chi is a slow moving mind and body exercise, patterned […]
Mondays, March 17 – April 14 | 10:30am – 1:30pm | Instructor: Barbara Farrell | $92 ($115 for non-members) | Register Here Designed for painters of all skill levels, come explore the magic of watercolor painting. Each of the five sessions will begin with a demonstration showcasing the technique of the day. Students are instructed on […]
Saturday, March 22 | 1pm – 2pm | Presented by Ron Kirkwood The blood stains are gone, but the worn floorboards remain. The doctors, nurses, and patients who toiled and suffered and ached for home at the Army of the Potomac’s XI Corps hospital at the George Spangler Farm in Gettysburg have long since departed. […]