Kenosha Public Museum Wednesday Hours: 10am - 5pmCivil War Museum Wednesday Hours: 10am - 5pmDinosaur Discovery Museum Wednesday Hours: 12pm - 5pm

Second Friday Lecture: The Union Prisoners of War at Camp Douglas

Civil War Museum 5400 1st Ave, Kenosha, WI, United States

Friday, August 11  |  12:00pm – 1:00pm  |  Speaker: Rob Girardi Camp Douglas, located on the south side of Chicago, was Illinois’ largest Civil War training camp. More than 40,000 Union volunteers mustered here. In February 1862, the camp was converted to accommodate Confederate prisoners of war. About 24,000 Confederates were held there during the […]

Second Friday Lecture: The Grant-Rawlins Relationship: Some New and Surprising Revelations

Civil War Museum 5400 1st Ave, Kenosha, WI, United States

Friday, September 8  |  12:00pm – 1:00pm  |  Speaker: Al Ottens To Civil War buffs, General John Rawlins is usually regarded as the scold that kept Ulysses Grant sober. But the complex motivations behind Rawlins’s temperance interventions are not well known. Nor are the rare communication skills Rawlins possessed that significantly impacted his relationship with […]

Second Friday Lecture: Chicago’s Great Fire: The Destruction and Resurrection of an Iconic American City

Civil War Museum 5400 1st Ave, Kenosha, WI, United States

Friday, October 13  |  12:00pm – 1:00pm |  Speaker: Carl Smith The Great Chicago Fire of October 8-10, 1871 which destroyed the heart of the country’s rising inland metropolis and left a third of its population homeless, is one of history’s great disasters. If anything, the city’s rapid recovery was even more remarkable, revealing both […]

Caring for the Great Lakes with Liz Sutton

Kenosha Public Museum 5500 1st Ave, Kenosha, WI, United States

Saturday, October 14  |  1:00pm – 2:00pm  |  Free  Do you know the scope of the plastic pollution in the Great Lakes? We are lucky enough to live on one of the largest freshwater sources in the world yet half of all plastic waste in the Great Lakes is in Lake Michigan. Learn about the […]

The Fight for a Gettysburg Farm

Civil War Museum 5400 1st Ave, Kenosha, WI, United States

Saturday, October 14  |  1:00pm – 2:00pm  |  Speaker: Steve Acker Steve Acker’s newest novel, The Fight for a Gettysburg Farm, tells the story of the Sherfy Farm during the Battle of Gettysburg. From the family that called the farm home to the Union and Confederate units that battled across its acres, this exhaustively researched story gives […]

Civil War Museum’s Media Club: The Enduring Civil War by Gary W. Gallagher

Civil War Museum 5400 1st Ave, Kenosha, WI, United States

Wednesday, November 8  |  6:30pm – 8:00pm |  Register Here We will meet at the Civil War Museum In the seventy-three succinct essays gathered in The Enduring Civil War, celebrated historian Gary W. Gallagher highlights the complexity and richness of the war, from its origins to its memory, as topics for study, contemplation, and dispute. He places a […]

Second Friday Lecture: Wisconsin Civil War Soldiers with Jewish Heritage

Civil War Museum 5400 1st Ave, Kenosha, WI, United States

Friday, November 10  |  12:00pm – 1:00pm  |  Speaker: Richard Kane Richard Kane’s presentation will be based on original research that he has been compiling since 2014 and include the following topics. In the mid 1890’s, Simon Wolf, a well-known Jewish attorney and diplomat, with access to thirteen presidents during his lifetime, attempted to identify […]

Grant at Ft. Donelson and Shiloh

Civil War Museum 5400 1st Ave, Kenosha, WI, United States

Saturday, November 18  |  1:00pm – 2:-00pm  |  Speaker: Tom Arliskas Grant’s rise to command in the Federal Armies was a self-taught belief that he knew how to win Battles. The life of General US Grant is the typical, Horatio Alger story where a young man, through self-reliance and hard work, rises to success, and […]

Second Friday Lecture: Fit for Duty: The Veteran Reserve Corps in the Civil War and Reconstruction

Civil War Museum 5400 1st Ave, Kenosha, WI, United States

Friday, December 8  |  12:00pm – 1:00pm  |  Speaker: Dr. Steven Goldman Described by the Indiana Adjutant General “as unusual a fighting force as the United States ever armed and equipped for action,” the dreadfully-named, preposterously uniformed Invalid Corps came into existence in April 1863, and within a year became the Veteran Reserve Corps (VRC). […]

The Gettysburg Address: The Speech That Inspired a World

Civil War Museum 5400 1st Ave, Kenosha, WI, United States

Sunday, February 4  |  1:00pm  |  Speaker: Dr. Carla Knorowski  |  Free The Gettysburg Address is one of the greatest, if not the greatest speeches ever delivered by an American president. Abraham Lincoln delivered his address to a weary, battle-worn nation at the National Cemetery at Gettysburg. The address set our nation on the course […]

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